6 Low Maintenance Houseplants that are sure to Look Great!


What are the best indoor plants that will add to the vibes into your home?


The answer can certainly depend on many factors like lighting conditions, temperature, environment, and even many more related to your Interior Design In Mumbai. There are some plants that can adjust to most conditions a lot better than others so if you're starting out with plants or too busy to decide then try to take the very first step with all the low maintenance. 


Like, whether your style is minimalist, masculine. or feminine, flowers, and fauns can brighten up your home, improve air quality, and even can put a little life into your Interior Design arrangement. However, for those who are constantly on move, beautiful flowers can morph into wilted eyesores if they are given proper love and care. Looking for indoor plants that are compatible with the realities of limited budgets and busy schedules? 


The plants are discussed as follows: 


  • Jade Plant


Known fondly as the money plant of the friendship tree, the Jade plant- an easy-growing succulent believed to offer calming effects in spaces. 

Accordingly, the Interior Designers In Mumbai believe that these plants bring good vibes to the interiors. These can reach heights of five feet when grown indoors. Not only is Jade a popular choice for a low-maintenance houseplant but it is also a very popular accent color in the design. 


  • Dracaena Lisa 



When you wish to have the Best Interior Design In Mumbai then let the plants do the 'smiling'. With dark green leaves and stems, the Dracaena Lisa is commonly used as an interior floor shade plant. The plant is very low maintenance, can survive with minimal light, and can even go days without water. This plant is slow in growing, so owners don't need to worry about returning home to a scene from Jumanji after a long vacation. 


One can place it in an empty room corner, it makes for a beautiful organic accent for any style. 


  • Air Plants

When you consult one of the best Homely Interior Design in Mumbai you get to know the science and care that is all it needed. Like the Air Plants to grow without soil, air plants may be the least demanding of houseplants. Air plants use their roots to anchor themselves to an object, which allows them to grow in a variety of locations naturally. 


And this flexibility of growth allows air plants to be used in a variety of environments making them popular as decorations for homes and offices. 

As they are very easy to grow, they still do need attention to survive and live a healthy life which as a result adds to the atmosphere of your sweet Interior Design in Mumbai (India). 


  • Ponytail Palm 

Also known as the bottle palm, bottle tree, or elephant's foot tree, the ponytail palm has narrow leathery leaves that cascade from its thick water-holding stem, making it a funky addition that brings a little tropical charm to any home. When planted in the Interior designs piece like in the sleek natural pots, near to windows providing the medium to high light needed, ponytail palms are perfect for every type of contemporary style spaces that value the importance of shape and dramatic impact. 


  • ZZ Plant 

Zamioculcas zamiifolia or say ZZ is shortly one of the toughest house plants around. And it is the best choice both at home or in the office as well. The ZZ is practically indestructible and can even survive months of neglect, infrequent watering, and low light, and still stay looking fresh. 

Every Interior Designers In Mumbai would advise shiny, oval-shaped green leaves to take the form of a stylized feather and have a healthy green shine that can make a great desk centerpiece or vibrant addition to sparkle up a windowless room or bathroom.




With so many options for low-maintenance plants, there is no reason to deny your home beautifying botanicals to really add character. 

If, you are still wondering if they are RIGHT for your interior designs in Mumbai. Then, schedule a free consultation with Homely Design Studio to see which options are right for you and to ensure that you get the best results possible. 











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